It was Malcolm's first Christmas.
So he didn't get a real mouse. Or a puppy. Or tae kwon do lessons... Or most of the stuff on the list, but they did get some crinkly balls! And some tasty treats from the vet's office (sssshhhhhh, don't tell them). There may or may not have been an attempt to dress Atticus up as Santa, but he was not in the spirit this year.
Did everyone have a good holiday?
"Santa could be a girl."
"Santa's a DUDE."
"Yeah, well you just don't want to think that maybe because it takes so much organizational skills and pre-planning and stuff that Santa would HAVE to be a girl. Let's see you do all of that present-making stuff!"
"DON'T SAY THAT!!! Santa's real!"
"I didn't say Santa wasn't real. I said maybe Mom was Santa."
"Mom! Gandalf is saying you're fat!"
I know quite a lot of places had a LOT of snow and cold this year - we got rain. Lots of rain and wind. Usually when the barometric pressure drops this time of year, I get a migraine. This time around it blocked my ears and gave me vertigo. I've never had that happen, but I'll take it any day over the headaches.
Oh! And I did knit.
Wow, this is my last post of 2009! Where does the time go?! And, this is my 200th post!
Thanks to everyone for reading this year. For all of your encouragement and kind words, I'm very thankful. I've learned more about knitting from my blogger friends than any book could have taught me.
Be safe on New Year's Eve!