Here's to a happy, safe and prosperous 2012! I have only good vibes about this upcoming year. After all, 2011 won't be going down in the books as my most stellar year...2012 can only be better and brighter!!!
"Are we going to wish everyone a happy 2012?"
"Gandalf's in my spot."
"Yeah, well Malcolm's in mine."
"I'm just trying to exit gracefully...boys are such dweebs..."
"...they be hatin'..."
"Gandalf's in my spot."
"Yeah, well Malcolm's in mine."
"I'm just trying to exit gracefully...boys are such dweebs..."
"...they be hatin'..."
I actually made it to midnight this year. Probably because I had company.
Ms. Sasha!
"What? I can't come on too strong with Bella just yet."
Malcolm kind of growled at her, but when she'd get closer to investigate, he'd take off and hide. Mae was completely disinterested. Too many people, too many animals, and the girl needed her beauty sleep. Atticus couldn't have cared less, as long as the young whippersnapper didn't play with his tail, call him Mr. Poppin' Fresh (which Sasha's Dad did...hee hee), or otherwise be too loud and excitable.
So! As the title suggests, I have a few introductions to make!
(No. Not a kitten. Why do I always feel I have to include that statement? Oh right. My past history with homeless kittens.)
First of all, meet Stella!
I now understand and better appreciate anyone who takes up knitting or any other craft, and how daunting it must be when faced with a slew of new terms, charts and equipment. I did pick up a good book on learning to weave, and just reading the section on loom terms gave me a headache. I haven't been able to sit down and put some of the basics into practice yet (like threading the warp...don't ask), but now that the holidays are over, I should be able to soon! I'm so excited!
And meet Ginger!
I'm guessing this was clincher in his decision to perform TOTAL KNEE REPLACEMENT SURGERY ON MY RIGHT KNEE!!!! (Yes, I'm yelling! Because this makes me so happy!!!!!) Finally. Some GOOD news. I saw him just before Christmas. My x-rays showed more growths and that my knee cap was just floating in a mass of messy ick, and that it had shifted over to the left and had somehow managed to turn itself almost completely on its side. Fun!
Can you tell how happy this makes me?!! Sure. They're going to saw my bones apart, stuff screws and glue in my leg bones, leave me with an 8" scar, and I'll be using a walker/crutches/then a cane for weeks afterwards, but I don't care! I'm just so stoked at the prospect of being pain-free, and getting my mobility (and life) back. It was the perfect Christmas present.
As for the when, I don't know yet. The office is closed until later this week, so I should find out soon. I'm also going to put myself on the cancellation list, so if someone cancels their surgery, I could get in sooner.
*wiping away tears of joy*
With all of these going-ons of late, I'm amazed I've been able to concentrate long enough to knit anything! But, since finding out that I will be having the surgery, a big weight has been lifted off of my shoulders, and I'm finding that my ability to focus has returned.
Meet Maud!
1. Although I've knit quite a few pairs of mittens in my time, I've never knit gloves.
2. Gloves + Canadian Winter = Stupid
3. ((((2 colours + small DP needles) x 5 per glove) + (Brigitte + low patience)) x 4 curious cats) x 2 = Should be really interesting...
Maybe I'll just move on to the hat once the cowl's been completed.