Because it's one of the funniest things I've seen on TV in a very long time... Even Gandalf perks up whenever he hears the music.
"Oh c'mon, that song was so written for me! I mean, look at me...Danger! Danger! "
I got into one of those weird modes last week, and decided that I absolutely had to re-organize my stash... Because. You know. It makes the ridiculous volume of yarn that much more easy to sort through when you get into that must-use-it-now mindset. I have to chuckle though. How is it that I can remember (for the most part) what yarn I have and where it is, but I always loose my pen at work and can't remember where I put my head on any given day?? Anyway, as I was putting things away, I noticed Little Dude Gandalf lounging amongst the Mission Falls.
Sinks. Behind toaster ovens. Under rugs. Knitting bags. It's all fair game to him.
So, I had every intention of posting this past week, but one thing or another got in the way, including a nasty bee sting (I'm not allergic, but I do get a reaction after after being bitten); an allergic reaction to mineral makeup face powder (who knew that one of the ingredients, bismuth oxy-chloride, would actually be pushing chemical particals into my skin...); a surprise party for my boss' upcoming wedding; and so on...
But it didn't stop me from doing this...
You see. Now that Columbia is waiting to be seamed, I decided I needed something relatively simple to work on while "distracted" (watching TV) - enter Hearts Tunic, from Jamieson's Simply Shetland 3 book. I'm knitting it using Jamieson's Heathered Aran in "Lacquer". The colour is actually a deeper red than what appears above. Anne's shade chart is a better representation of the deep red. Now that the bottom trim section is complete, it is moving along quite quickly.
And not to worry!
My other WIPs - Laleli, Delores, Fulmar and Arangenser? They haven't been forgotten - they just require a bit more...attention. Something I don't always have at the end of work day. And if I'm really feeling particularly hazy, then I just work on the straight 12" of stocking stitch required for the body of my Dale - Sapporo 2007.
(Oh, ow! Musn't allow small black cats to jump directly on bee sting while sitting in this chair. Ow ow ow!!)
And Atticus would like to thank everyone for his birthday wishes. Also. Now that he's 10, he has earned the right not to have to put up with silly birthday hats.