1. I have nothing to show that is remotely interesting. Just progress on...stuff. You know. Long suffering WIPs.
I had planned on a showing you something new, but it hasn't arrived yet. (Oh wait, I do have sock stuff...wait for it.)
2. I'm pretty pleased with it.
Well, I actually won this stuff! Cool! I submitted a hair question (duh) to a magazine, and they chose my question as the "Question of the Month". It had something to do with long curly hair in the summer going haywire. And, I won all the stuff they recommended in the answer they provided.
Winning stuff? I could get used to it.
(Pardon the blurry picture.)
And here's another non-knitting related picture. Just to make sure no one mistook it for a snake (gross gross gross), I made sure to include the velcro attachment. Wondering what it is?
It's the lock from my bike. It may have cost close to $50, and it may be a bit heavier than most, but it probably prevented my bike from being stolen this past Saturday. I had stopped into the grocery store, and because the store (for some INSANE reason) got rid of their bike racks, I was forced to lock my bike to a metal bench in the front of the store. The front. In between two entrances. High traffic. At 9:30 in the morning.
I was in the store no more than 15 minutes, and when I came back, this is was what I saw. I'm just glad they didn't manage to cut through the cable. They just managed to dent the lock...
This is similar to the lock I have - http://www.cyclepath.ca/products/item495.htm., one that I will be purchasing again.
This is similar to the lock I have - http://www.cyclepath.ca/products/item495.htm., one that I will be purchasing again.
And other than that, it's been fairly quiet here.
Kind of like when Chris went through her "24" phase.
Lately, my sock skills have been less than...well, just less. :D
Oh! And I also wanted to mention!
Thanks to everyone who weighed in on Columbia's dye issue. I think I will leave it as is. Once I have it on outdoors, with a scarf and mitts and other fall/winter stuff, the colour difference will hopefully fade into the background. Anne from She Ewe Knits contacted Jamieson's for me to let them know about the problem, and they will be sending me another skein of the Traditional Aran. Actually, they were going to send me a skein of whatever I wanted, but this fit the bill for me. Good customer service is always a good thing in my books, and I'm pleased at how this turned out. Thanks Anne!