1. Go to the current book you're reading.
2. Go to Page 161.
3. Copy down the 5th sentence.
"To me, it is everything."
Compelling, isn't it?
I'm reading "Single & Single" by John Le Carre. Very much like Lorraine, I'm a non-fiction kind of girl. There are a handful of fiction authors I enjoy reading, but I'm most likely to read the non-fiction releases from history, or biography.
'Cause truth, she be stranger than fiction.
Speaking of truth. I must confess to some purchases here. I know. I never said I wasn't going to buy anything - just be more sensible about what I buy.
And Jamieson's? ALWAYS a sensible choice, I say.
I picked up 4 skeins of Jamieson's Traditional Aran in "Clover", and 10 of "Chartreuse" from Anne at She Ewe Knits. (Corrie Street segueway for Anne - dontcha just want to slap Deirdre into tomorrow??!)
If you haven't already...pop on over to her online shop - she's clearing out the Traditional Aran at amazing prices! But only to the end of January...which, is surprisingly very close to being at an end. (How did that happen?)
I plan on knitting the "St. Catherine" vest from Jade's "A Collector's Item" (the design on the cover) with Clover, and (tentatively) will be working on "Henry VII" from "Tudor Roses". I can't seem to find a picture of it, but I know if you search it on Ravelry, there are some examples. Oh, and *cough* the other Jamieson's I bought today when Anne lowered the prices even more on Traditional Aran *cough*? No idea yet. But again. It's a good purchase.
Wow, and I'm surprisingly close to another FO. So. Close.
Mermaid body? Done. Now, why was I concerned about the I-cord castoff on the right front edge?! No problems! So, I'm well into sleeve #1, and again, no issues. Mermaid? Much easier than Diva was ('member her?).
Notice something about Mermaid? That's right, no small black kitty draped all over it.
This is why.
Atticus is so gonna get me later on.
Thanks everyone for your get-well wishes! My knee? Much better. But we knew that, didn't we, because I'd called the doctor for the appointment. I do need X-rays though, and new geeky orthotics. But...you know what? I did discover a little gem of a magazine in the waiting room. Someone (bless them) left a copy of "Creative Knitting" in the waiting room. And, you know what? It's a great little magazine! It had few very do-able projects, including a vest pattern for the Jamieson's Shetland Heather Lorraine gave me last year. The articles weren't preachy, everything was very friendly and it was a really good read. Reminded me of the UK knitting magazine "Simply Knitting", which is a fabulous knitting magazine... I picked up a copy after my appointment, and a copy of the "other" magazine that just put out a winter issue. Compared the two - and you know what I liked? That the pattern designs in Creative Knitting weren't trying so hard to be so, you know - "cool".
Guess which one I liked best?
Anyhoo, just my two cents. Just sayin'.
Hey! And remember I mentioned that Creative Knitting had a cute little vest pattern that was perfect for the Jamieson's Shetland Heather I have stashed?
I never said I wouldn't start something new. The "Wheat Cable Vest" from Creative Knitting. Brought to you by Atticus, dozy and not quite sure about this piece drapped all over him.
It's very easy, with maximum results. And besides, my wardrobe needs a vest. What am I gonna do - go out and buy one? I mean, c'mon. Sheesh.
(Oh, and I may have started "Sapporo 2007", my Dale I got from Jewel. Seeing how she posted amazing pictures of her hubby's finished "St. Anton". But shhhhhh...)
'k bye!