This is the tank I decided to knit with the wool/silk yarn I had in my stash. It's black. Don't worry about the picture too much - what I really wanted to have show up is the bottom section. See the "shadowing"? Well, let's just say that the black yarn was not dyed evenly. As a matter of fact, there are blobs of colour that are nowhere near black!! I noticed it just now when I went to photograph it. Not. Happy.
Part of me wants to ditch it. It's going to bug me. What do you think?? It's not a bad camera shot - you could almost draw a line in the picture to highlight where that first ball of yarn ends.
I really like the pattern. It's not that short - there's still the top section to complete. You join the back and the front by knitting up a fancy ribbing along the front, which continues to create the shoulder sections, and then continues along the back and up the next shoulder. Quite nifty... I wish I could give you info on it - I know it came from an Easy Knitting magazine - but which one, I don't know. I just cut the instructions out of the magazine, and didn't keep the rest.
Stay? Go?
Ugh. I've also been spending time these past couple of evenings trying to figure out what I want to knit up for a friend of mine at work who's due in 5 weeks. Of course, I started off wanting to do a blanket fit for a king or queen, but now...I'm thinking it might be too ambitious, especially in the summer. So, our wonderful friend Carrie K., never one to mince words, said - "how could you not have figured it out?? Chris. You know. Chaos and Mayhem's Mom??! Bibs!".
*whacking forehead*
So, I'll be making a trip to a LYS, and picking up some suitable baby yarn to make a few little things - bibs, maybe some booties and a hat. She's a good friend, so I want to make something special. Duh. Bibs! Um, Chris? How many stitches do you start with?!
Thanks everyone for all your get well wishes! My ears are on the mend, I was at the doctor yesterday (and Lorraine? You just know I got caught smack in the middle of that storm we had yesterday!!!). It's not an uncommon thing for me to get ear infections. I have most of my life. The eustachian tubes in my ears are "deformed" and as a result, I am prone to infections. Oh well...
As I was completely bummed out because of it on Monday night, I waited for the Rogers technician to show up. (I decided to change service providers for my telephone service.)
Leave it to Goofy Gandalf to completely cheer and brighten me up.
"There is a strange man in the house. No problem. I'll just sit here in the sink...look tough...give him the scary Gandalf issues here. Even though it's wet. What?"
He was too funny! Curious to see what was going on, yet still too apprehensive to stick around. So, like a little kid, he'd peek around the corner into the room, and as soon as the Rogers tech would spot him, he'd run away. And find these "hiding" spots, like the kitchen sink, and this one classic one -
Here he is, behind the toaster over. Yes. Behind the toaster oven. It sits on an angle on the counter, and he's wedged himself partially behind it. Thinking he cannot be seen. Still trying to be the tough guy. Look at his big eyes!
Oh, all my guys are little funny faces, but he's just such a character! He can always, always cheer me up.
If it still bothers you after it's done, can't you dye it?
You have to make one of those cotton bibs! If just to let the kitties model it.
Love the picture of Gandalf behind the toaster. So cute!
Bridge- I won't tell you what I would do with that WIP- but it involves the streetcar tracks.
You could do as Marina suggested and dye over it.
What a weiner Gandalf is- how can you not laugh at him?
Can't they put those tubes in your ears like they do with kids?
I think Atticus would look marvy in a bib!
Such a pretty tank pattern! How awful about the yarn. I would think you could dye it. If you decide not to go this route because it's such a nice pattern, I'd go buy new yarn and knit it in that.
Gandalf is a cutie! He makes me laugh. Mae is probably laughing behind her paw at how bad a hider he is.
And I agree with Lorraine--Atticus would make a wonderful bib model!
Definitely over dye it. I've never dyed; are there issues with dyeing black?
That Gandalf is a character! You must feel very safe with a tough guy like that around.
Love the Gandy eyes.
I've never over-dyed, but that sweater is really so pretty, it seems a shame not to try to rescue it.
LOL, he is too funny! Those pics are just hilarious.
Rip it or dye it. Those are my suggestions.
I would try overdyeing it... I can't really see a problem in the picture.
Aw, Gandalf, you cutie!!
Sorry, I can't see the problem either. Love to know how it turns out if you decide to dye it. It's such a cute design.
So glad your ears are better. I went through a good part of my teen years with perpetual ear infections. They put me on allergy shots and it cleared everything up.
Oh, you *can* see a line. Bummer. Rip it or dye it is my suggestion too.
I LOVE the Gandalf pix! So cute! He's really adorable behind the toaster but that sink pic! priceless.
I think Gandalf needs a bib, but put on backwards like a Super Kitty cape! How can you not find that kitty cute??!
I'm glad your ears are feeling better. I'm also glad the kitties are entertaining you.
Oh, he's too cute! Leave it to Gandalf to be able to cheer you up.
Gandalf is just the cutest - and the funniest! I can so well imagine the great laughs you're having with him - how could you not?! ;)
As for the tank - are you really sure that it would bother you? If so, then I'm afraid there won't be much use in you continuing to knit it up. But as Marina said, there really should be a chance to dye it! Fingers crossed that it'll work, the pattern is just so beautiful that it'd be a shame not to finish this tank!
Hi - delurking to say that I'm so glad you have the presence of mind to take photos of the kids to share with us! I love that they're such different personalities, but equally lovable!
If you're like me and don't dye...
maybe you could put it in the sink next time, so Gandalf doesn't get wet paws! heehee! :)
I'm in Anne's SEK photo galley if you want to see me.
Michele from WA
Though it's not super clear on my monitor, that would bug me too. It's worth trying to overdye, because if it works then you've saved it. If it doesn't work, no loss, because you probably wouldn't wear it anyway...stuff like that bugs me and since I don't know how to dye, I always end up ripping.
Gandalf is adorable...trying to be brave, but not quite making it!!
Gandalf is hysterical! Omg. Hiding in plain sight... he's related to Matisse. Definitely.
You should definitely dye over the sweater. It'd be a shame to rip it.
That is really annoying with the yarn. And unfortunately quite evident. I wonder if overdyeing would work. It's a really cute pattern though.
Those cats of yours are too much, I just love seeing their pictures.
You know I have the same problem with ear infections. I constantly have them, it's rather annoying. My ear canals are what are deformed on me, and extremely tiny.
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