I really want to thank everyone who offered support, and weighed in on my apartment challenges. You guys really are great friends! In a way, it gave me a push to start looking elsewhere! And, I'm waiting to hear back from one location I looked into and really liked. A nice, big 2 bedroom in the area - in an apartment building with LAUNDRY (you have no idea how good that sounds to me). It's in the same area I live in now, and it's practically lake front. As a matter of fact, my bedroom would look out onto Lake Ontario. Nice... So, we'll see! I'll let you know how it went next time around.
So. OK. Maybe I'm being paranoid of late. But. I noticed something odd yesterday, and I'm not quite sure what to make of it (well, of course. It's me, after all...). Mae had her appointment at the vet yesterday morning (more on that later). Now, normally, when I leave the house, I leave by my back door, and will come home through the front door, to pick up my mail. Because I had her in the carrier, and it was -16C outside, I decided I'd leave by the front, and wait on the porch for my ride. I locked the deadbolt on my door. I've only done it a hundred times. I NEVER lock the door handle, simply because I don't want to lock myself out if the door closes behind me as I'm getting my paper or what ever else. So, it's NEVER locked. Ever.
Then, why is it the door handle was locked when we returned home from the vet's???
Does it lock itself on it's own? No. You probably know the type of door handle lock I mean - the ones with a twisty little thing in the handle itself. Either I manually lock it myself from the inside, or I lock it with a key from the outside. Neither of which I've ever done in the 3 years since these new locks were put in. I am quite sure I didn't lock it when I left with Mae. Actually, very sure.
So, my tired brain is trying to figure this one out. How did it get locked??? Who has a key? Few people do, actually. The landlord does...but - she wouldn't come in, would she? I wonder (because I can't shut my head up) - does my neighbour downstairs have identical keys to my place? See what I mean? This is just bizarre. I've gone over every step in my mind, and I just can't figure it out. It doesn't lock itself. The deadbolt isn't connected to the door handle, so locking one doesn't lock the other. And if I had accidentally locked the door handle? I can tell when I pull the door shut - the door handle wouldn't turn.
This isn't the first time this has happened. Other than being away and the guys being looked after by their Auntie Raven, the handle is never locked. I can remember this happening a couple of times before, but just shruging it off. This time, because it was early, and I had Mae with me in the carrier, I made an effort not to pull too hard and "slam" my door as I was closing it. I know I turned that handle - it was NOT locked. I'd like to think that if it were the landlord, they'd at least let me know that they were in my place.
Man, I have to move. And soon.
OK, on to something else.
Yes, Baby Mae had her annual physical yesterday. She's such a good girl, and everyone at the vet's office commented on how pretty she was!
Of course she is.
"I'm not impressed with the probing and needles. But, there are some very nice humans at that office. I'll give you that much."
Completely freaked out, she didn't flinch or lash out. Even when they took her to the back to draw some blood (at nearly 10, it's a good idea to check for age-related issues). Even when Benny the rambunctious 9-month old puppy decided to introduce himself. She does need to have some dental work done though, which is scheduled for February.
I was initially supposed to bring Atticus along as well, remember? Well, I decided that it probably wasn't such a good idea - not because of the hassle of taking both of them in at once, but because someone being left alone at home was an even worse scenario. Gandalf has never been on his own since he came to live with us, and he probably would have had a meltdown of epic proportions if he found himself alone. He does get a little anxious sometimes if he doesn't know where I am. Little munchkin... :(
So Atticus goes in 2 weeks. He should make up for Mae and Gandalf being such well-behaved sweethearts at the vet's... Heh.
And one last thing:
How did this happen?
I pulled Diva out from the closet earlier this week, and noticed 2 holes on the collar, and one on the cuff. I thought it was moths, but none of my other sweaters have holes in them.