This is one of the piles I swept up from my deck - two large century-old oak trees in the front yard means a LOT of leaves landing on my deck at the back of the house. I actually filled two large paper leaf bags, and this won't be the last of it either! I love this time of year - the temperature is cooler, the leaves change, and we finally get to wear all the knitted stuff!
So - good times! Look at the lovely stuff I got in the mail yesterday:
Yummy sock yarn from Rebecca's "Bellamoden" shop on Etsy! There are 2 skeins of merino in the "A Circle of Quiet - sedimentary" colour way, and my surprise skein, in "A Night to Remember - graffiti". The colours are just so vibrant, and the whole package was so nicely put together. And the Circle of Quiet is going to be made into my *hopefully* first pair of non-plain ol' stocking stitch socks.
Thanks Rebecca! Go check out her yarns (she's got some great stuff!), and...she now has some up for sale at the Loopy Ewe as well. (And - she's a Stephen King fan too! Which is very cool.), knitting...knitting...oh right. Right after I comforted Carrie K. for going through a knittingless phase, I went through a couple of days where only a few stitches were done...again with the work thing. *sigh*
But look! Ooooo, I have one of my Vinternatt mittens completed -
"Pat us Mom!! C'mon! Pat us...oh, hey... I like this... *sniff*...Oooo Mae, lanolin..."
"Move it squirt, I want to check it out"
What is it with those two and the smell of wool? Not all wool - but this particular brand, the Rauma Strikkegarn yarn - make Mae and Gandalf goofy. Well, goofier... That and Bartlett yarns (remember Lorraine?!). I had a bag of it for Lorraine, and Gandalf pretty much shredded the bag just to get into it. Atticus? Ehn, he's more of a 2-ply Hebridean man.
Speaking of 2-ply Hebridean... I'm a few rows away from casting on Laleli's armhole steeks, however my batteries conked out before I could get a picture. :( And poor Fulmar hasn't budged, every time I picked it up something ended up distracting me and I really haven't done more than a few rows in the last week.
This week - a bit of stealth knitting, and hopefully a second finished Vinternatt mitten!
And of course...Ravelry. Duh.
I'm so glad you're pleased! What pattern will you be using for A Circle of Quiet?
Er, why don't you just sweep it off the deck for the downstairs people to pick up ;-)
She'll survive! I haven't knitted for 4 days & I'm getting used to it.
Hope you finish the second mitten before needing to make a replacement for the first ;-)
I like that mitten! (Maybe not in the same way as the kitties, but ...)
Brigitte- What cool names for the yarn- I'm a sucker for a good color name.
Look at Atticus- what a sweet face. I just love that cat.
And yes, I do remember Gandalf shredding the bag to get to the yarn.
Hmm, I don't think I'd trust those two alone with that mitten! :) Gorgeous yarn you got in the mail, too!
Isn't her yarn fab? Can't wait to see it knit up. Your first non plain socks? What pattern?
That mitten is gorgeous! And lol at Atticus being a Hibridean man....
All the way to the armsteeks? Jealous!
And Marina hasn't knit in FOUR days? She might not finish her sweater this month until the 15th!
I did knit a little bit. I finally managed to do the second repeat on the 2nd half of the Snickers scarf (and I will not tell you how many rows I ripped out of a 36 row repeat, but it's in the triple digits.....)
Hah - not much help you had sweeping up this deck, but that cute little furry face in the window is priceless ;)
Oh, and this yummy yarn - can't wait to see how it looks knit up!
We've decided to just mow all the leaves this year. Kevin has been looking longingly at the leaf blower, but last year we burned several piles that were big enough to hide a school bus in and that is just too much.
Marina hasn't knitted in 4 days? What's up with 'dat?
Your kitties crack me up.
Love the kitties! They seem to be enjoying fall as well. That's the one thing I miss about fall - not really having it be knit-weather for very long. But on the other hand, I am a wuss when it comes to being cold. So I guess it's all for the best.
Yes, it does look like your kitties might "love" the first mitten to death before you can finish the 2nd one! I was working on a mitten this week-end too.
It is the season, and it's starting to feel much cooler here.
Ravelry is a black hole for knitting or blogging. I am spending WAY too much time "there".
Leaves. Well lets see we have 13 full-grown, huge trees in our yard. yep, I know a lot about leaves.
"I don't do outdoors..!" sooo funny! Sounds like something I would say! LOL!
Love that mitten too! Hope it's put away while you're gone! Might be too tempting for Mae & Gandalf! m :)
The mittens are wonderful!! you have been a busy bee... not just raking leaves I see :)
Hey btw.... if I were you I'd sneak on over and swipe Delphine out of Lorraine's stash :) She's been spotted wearing it and if I remember correctly...models get to keep the clothes they wear :)
I like that mitten. As for your question about the sweater, I don't know what color. I don't remember all the yarn I have stashed over seas and maybe I'll get more yarn. I really don't need another jacket though--I am obsessed with cardigans, etc. It's so bad.
Excellent taste Gandalf, I like to give my Bartletts a good sniff now and then too. Great mitten, it looks so warm.
Beautiful mitten! I wouldn't leave out where those two kitties could get to it. They seem quite enamored of it.
I feel like such a slacker knitter! I sometimes go a few days without knitting. Is that bad?
I keep hoping the leaves will blow away by themselves, but it hasn't happened yet.
Your kitty photos crack me up. The one of Atticus looking out the door is too funny.
i too love the yarn names. Can't wait to see the socks...socks?
yippee on your mitten, it's beeootiful. I want some Raumgarn.
Love your captions to the pictures. They are always so funny. Now, I have to go check out the Etsy store and see if I can resist the urge to buy yarn. Thanks. Thanks alot. You are such an enabler.
Ha! With 7 oak trees over shadowing or in my yard I keep hoping for hurricane winds to get the leaves down before December! Those oaks are stubborn but I love Marina's solution best - 'whoops! there go the leaves!
I'll have to send you some raw fleece - that should really send the kitties off. My Lily will roll and roll in raw fleece when I'm sorting - better than catnip for all species I think.
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