It always makes me wonder though. You know - it's snowing, cold, windy... And you see people (who go on and on about how cold and gross it is) with their coats open, no scarf, no hat, no winter boots. Gotta wonder though - did they maybe forget what "cold" was?? The people with no scarf and an open coat - they're the ones I want to run to and cover up! Dude! It's winter. It's Canada. IT SNOWS AND IT'S COLD.
Speaking of things that keep you warm...
I knit these last year around this time. And I love them! However, the mittens have gone missing... Not sure where (and no, Gandalf has nothing to do with least I don't think so...), but somewhere between getting out of a car and coming into the house, they disappeared. *sigh* I love those mitts... They may have fallen to the ground and are now buried under the leaves and mushy snow, but... I think I would have noticed by now. Or not. So I'm thinking they must be somewhere around here in the apartment, but do you think I can find them? The search is still on! Phew, at least they weren't my Vinternatt mittens... You know, I should probably string those through my coat, like when we were kids. Because with my luck...
This past week has been all about the stealth knitting...heh heh. Well, that and charity knitting for the upcoming Annex Cat Rescue bazaars. I've been knitting wee little catnip mice! And, because of the mass destruction and anarchy that results from catnip being in this house, I'll have to stuff the mice at work. If I were to bring that catnip home, I don't think there would be much left of my arms, or the catnip. I think I may whip up some blankets too... That way Mr. Black Cat won't be so inclined to whip them up into the air and chase them around the room at break neck speed.
As for the stealth knitting... I haven't even loaded it into Ravelry yet. Probably because I've started and ditched probably, oh, 7 designs up to now... I think I've got the keeper now. I think. And hope.
So, not much in the way of knitting pictures. Not much Laleli, not much Fulmar, not much of any of the other gazillion WIP's I have on the go.
"Gandalf. Dude. You gotta stop running into the walls and stuff. I know you're chasing your imaginary friends but you're loosening up a few wingnuts up there every time you bonk your head."
Hey, I'm one of those people! It turned warm after the cold spell we had and so I've refused to put on my private & public woolies, just in case it gets warm again.
Bummer about the mitten. I remember when you were knitting them.
Poor Gandalf! He reminds me of Mona, our younger dog, who manages to knock herself silly playing with a rawhide bone.
I have no sympathy for stupid people in the winter. They are always complaining, while I am nice and toasty warm. My hair may not look as nice, but ...
How frustrating to lose one of your mittens! Maybe it will turn up in your refrigerator crisper or some other place where you would never think to look?
The kitties crack me up - please give them a pat for me!
Hey there girlfriend! Your babies are sooooo sweet! Looks as if they can give you a run for your money too :)
Acknowledge that the mittens are missing (out loud) and ask them to come to you.....and go about your daily business, and they will come. (This is one theory -- the other theory is to start ripping the place apart until you find them LOL!)
Aren't cats cute?
Maybe it IS under the snow...
Heh, Gandalf's behavior reminds me of a cat I used to have a long time ago - Random, aka Ran-dumb-dumb. :)
I'd do the string on the mittens, they are too nice to take a chance. Hopefully your missing one will show up - soon!
Gandalf is like my Kya, she runs into stuff all the time while looking straight up at the squirrels on the power lines :)
Knit replacements. Nothing turns up lost knits like new ones. Too bad though! They're cute.
They're complaining of the cold with coats open & no scarf or hat? In CANADA? Dude, I wear hats here in California, in the unsnowy portion of it.
Gandalf is a sweetie pie. Too crazy on the 'nip? Somehow, that does not surprise me.
Load the stealth knitting on Ravelry anyway! Label it Possible Prototype so at least we get to see something.
Brigitte- That always gets me too. Why do people live here if they hate winter? I LOVE it!
P.S. Marina got some pink Fleet- should I set up the interrogation room to find out where she scored it?
In my little world, if I can hold off zipping up my coat until the end of December, winter won't seem to last so long.... However, I have already been spied wearing mittens this year, so clearly I'm in for the long haul. I don't expect people to give me sympathy if I'm chilly, though, if I'm nuts enough to not bundle up. Cute kitties!
Uh oh... Have you checked under the bed for the mittens? Or any of the other usual kitty hiding spots?
*sniff, sniff* Send some snow please. Please? I'm begging you as a former upstate NYer turned Sountern PAer. Please! I'm desperate!
SNOW! Wow! You get a lot!
I like your mittens too... hope they come back. I lost one of my favorite earrings last week - so sad.
"..chasing your imaginary friends.." LOL! Sooo funny! It's probably easier to hear it from brother Atticus than from Mae. :)
((covers up ears with hands, and runs away screaming from the computer at your snow picture))
Love the kitty photos! I wonder too what our cats think of each other, esp. when they do crazy things like run into walls.
I finally knit myself a hat. (It's the Yarn Harlot's Unorignal Hat, and will make it into Ravelry eventually.) I held out for a long time because of hat hair, and finally decided I would rather be warm. And it doesn't even snow here! Still. Warm is good.
Poor Gandalf. It's not enough that he bonks his head, he has to get laughed at, too? At least our laughs come with "aaawwww"s. :)
I was excited when it was finally cold enough to wear scarves again. But I still haven't broken into the hats - it's not quite cold enough for that yet, when I drive most everywhere.
Oh, by the way, I used Bernat Handicrafter Cotton Twist for my string bag. A bit cheaper option than the hemp. :)
(my word verification starts with 'ssk' - love it!)
Wow, you sure got quite an amount of snow lately - I love this winter wonderland! Like you, I'm constantly wondering about these people running around like it's summer - in winter! - and then complaining about the coldness. This must be a very special species - and one sure wonders if they'll ever learn? Not that I have any sympathy for them though ;)
Awww, the mittens! Did they show up again by now? Guess some little kitty decided to play with them and dragged them behind the couch or so? I sure hope you'll find them again - and hopefully in good shape too ;)
OH I hope you find your mitten!
I just love cats for the reason that you can never quite figure out what it is they are up to.
Hope you find your mitten. At least it wasn't one of your new ones though. If it were me, I always seem to lose, spill on, tear, or otherwise ruin my "favorite" new thing.
Now you have snow! Lucky. We did have snow, but after 2 weeks of 40F., all we have is icy, dirty, looking slush all over everything.
I'm so jealous of the winter weather. It's still 60 degrees F here.
And :( on the mitten. Let us know if you find it, ok?
I can visualize the cat frenzy. hehe
oh ya, re Lorraine's comment, I asked outright where Marina scored the Fleet - in pink and sea green - but she is mum on the subject.
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