"Wow, Gandalf was right! Lying like this ROCKS!" - Cousin Finnegan
It always amazes me at this time of year how quickly it all seems to go. I'm not one to make resolutions - life has it's own way of creeping up on you, and that's enough for me. If something's worth changing, it's worth changing at the time it comes up.
But still. Some knitterly things I'd like to do:1. Finish my WIP's. In particular Western Seas. I'm not going to put a time limit on it. I just don't want to be writing next year at this time how I want to finish Western Seas in 2009. Sheesh! For shame! It's a Starmore, Brigitte.
2. Try something new. And I'm not talkin' Intarsia (ewww...). More like something I struggle with. Like top-down socks. Or another lace project *gulp*. I also have some really cool non-Fair Isle stranded projects in my stash, so maybe it'll be time to try another Norwegian?
3. Socks as non-commuting projects. Otherwise this lifetime will not have particularly warm feet. Not to mention the amount of time between knitting the second sock will be greatly diminished; preventing such boneheaded maneuvres such as the second one being knit A SIZE TOO SMALL. Just sayin'. I'd know.
And that's all I can think of. Stuff to ponder...
It was a happy time away! As always, we had a great time just hanging out, watching movies and eating ridiculous amounts of food. And I met some of my SIL's family! So here's a shout out to the Jay girls - Catherine, Victoria and Madeleine! Hey guys *waving*! The girls live in China with their parents, who are working there.
They're also in love with the little Dudes. Who can blame them?
There are 3 reasons the bed isn't made. See if you can spot them.
It's nice being away, but coming home is pretty special too.
There wasn't too much destruction or sulking when I got home. They were well looked after by their Auntie Raven, who took very good care of them. Gandalf did whine a bit on the evening I came home, probably just to remind me NOT to consider going away without Kitty Counsel approval.
Were the holidays good where you are? I hope so. I thought of all the great friends I've met this last year, and the friendships that continued. And, how much I've learned from you all! There is so much to be thankful for - and I'm happy to have met each and every one of you.
For me, I'm hoping that 2008 will be less stressful, and that I can enjoy more of it. I'll be honest - 2007 wasn't a banner year for me, but I always try to look at the good in it. And there were positive things, and I remind myself of that.Things that made me happy in 2007:
1. A new job! Less money, but a new position!
2. Conrad Black going to jail!
3. Mulroney humiliated! ("I'm not calling you a liar Mr. Mulroney, but I want everyone here to know that I don't believe you.)
4. Amphora.
5. My Norwegian mitts.
6. Getting back into watching Coronation Street.
7. Gandalf turning 1! But still acting like a nincompoop kitten!
8. Successfully growing lavender in my deck garden.
9. I Can Has Cheezburger and The Daily Coyote.
10. The Little Dudes.
And there's more, I'm sure. So, what made you happy in 2007? Consider yourself tagged!
So, to my wonderful friends and family, I have only good wishes for 2008.